A happy family

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A happy family

Postby Scorpion » Sat Jun 05, 2004 2:54 pm

The arrow flies through the air. ‘Look how hard it goes! It could kill an orc instantly’ Arteal says with a smile on her face. After about 100 feet the arrow stops in an old tree, nearly missing its target. ‘Missed again, what am I doing wrong father?’ Arteal says with a deep sigh. Ilhaen smiles looking at Arteal’s sad face. ‘You’re not doing that bad, my darling. You need to relax more while aiming. Let me explain. Aim at the apple again’. Arteal holds her bows and an arrow and aims at the apple (again). ‘A bit more to the left, yes, that’s it. Now try to breathe slowly, so that your heart will beat slower. Then, after you breathe out, hold your breath for a second, and then you let the arrow loose.’ After Arteal holds her breath, and then she let’s the arrow loose. After a short flight the arrow brushes the apple then hits the old tree again. ‘It’s better then last time, keep practicing little girl’ Ilhaen says with a proudly smile on his face.

As Arteal keeps practicing, Ilhaen walks to his tent. Aheya, who just came back searching tonight’s dinner, says ‘How is she doing? Is she making any progress?’. ‘She making progress, but not that fast. But she will learn it, I’m sure of that’ Ilhaen says with a smile. ‘Tonight is a special night, so you found anything special for the dinner?’. ‘Not going to tell you that, else it wouldn’t be a surprise’ Aheya says chuckling. Suddenly Arteal yells from outside ‘Mom, Dad. Come look at this’ As Aheya and Ilhaen walk outside they see a proud Arteal holding an appel in her hands with the end of an arrow coming out of it. As both parents clap their hands, Ilhaen says ‘Well done, seems like practicing finally paid off’.

An hour later, Aheya calls her husband and daughter for dinner. A happy Arteal, a proud Ilhaen and Aheya serving dinner, this family should live happily ever after.

To be continued (at Erryn's Book)
Posts: 310
Joined: Thu Jan 22, 2004 6:12 pm


Postby Broken » Sun Jun 06, 2004 10:54 pm

Posts: 35
Joined: Sat Apr 24, 2004 6:08 pm
Location: Roaming the Lands, in search of dark-elves

Postby Scorpion » Sun Jun 20, 2004 9:49 pm

For the interested people who asked me about the rest of the story, I sended it to Erynn and hope it will get on her site soon, but depends if she has spare time. Not everyone has so much spare time as some of us.
Posts: 310
Joined: Thu Jan 22, 2004 6:12 pm

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