Meglaz’s new Friend

Had an adventure you want to share? A near miss or simply the story of your life!

Meglaz’s new Friend

Postby Scorpion » Tue Apr 27, 2004 5:23 pm

Still happy after engulfing some guards, I was charging myself up in the centre. Suddenly Sevratio comes into the centre and start to slap me. What a courage that elf must have to slap me. Then she run away, probably scared of what I was planning to do to her. So I chased her, all the way to Amethyst, till we finally came into a room with a strange looking guy.

Sevratio was talking to him, and then she told me to look into his eyes. Well, couldn’t hurt to watch only, so I looked into his eyes. After that moment, I heard a voice saying things, couldn’t keep my eyes open. Like I got very tired and wanted to sleep. It didn’t take that long before my eyes were fully closed and my vision turned to zero.

When I opened my eyes I couldn’t believe what I saw. Standing next to that mysterious guy there was a … lady ORC!!! I can’t remember haven’t orc friends, so I hugged her immediately. We talked, walked together and had a lot of fun.

The rest of the day I was extremely happy, happy that I found a new friend.
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Joined: Thu Jan 22, 2004 6:12 pm

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