
Got an idea? Keep it to yourself!! Just kidding, leave them here and discuss them with your fellow players.


Postby Keezheekoni » Mon Oct 25, 2004 6:46 pm

It is the middle of the election year here and as a result I am getting pumped up for voting day. I am going to kick that day's ass. Anyways I know most of you probably do not care about the US election as much as I do, and some probably don't care at all... but incorporating something similar into LoS sounds entertaining. Mayor Demlin has been mayor for quite a while and I have not seen any gains around the city. In fact muggers still often pounce on me when I am walking through town. I am not going to suggest a voilent coup, but perhaps elections for a new mayor would be benificial. (ooc: not sure if voting for perm or for actual players (it would be interesting running a campaign and later deciding taxes and levying funds), but either way it would be interesting.) So I propose a voting system for those residents of Amethyst, and perhaps the land in general to allow for the people to choose their respective leaders. --Keez
Posts: 94
Joined: Thu Jan 22, 2004 4:34 am

Postby Kampfer » Mon Oct 25, 2004 7:16 pm

I second the motion... and Kampfer should rule amethyst as well.. with that kind of grasp we can say amethyst is SAFE!! :twisted:
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Joined: Thu Jan 22, 2004 4:04 am
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