Lagflee mechanics

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Lagflee mechanics

Postby jagg » Wed Apr 07, 2004 2:12 pm

Lagflee, I have to say, is a very useful thing, and has saved me any number of times. However, I noticed yesterday that it can be dangerous when grouped. If the follower has been inactive as they are led around, then an attack occurs suddenly, they will flee. I left Rone facing two rather angry wendigoes, and he nearly died while I tried to find him again, not knowing which way I had run.

It seems to work like "has the char been inactive for x seconds" AND "are they in combat" - but the inactivity can have occurred outside of a combat situation. Could this be changed so that the time element of lagflee only starts counting once fighting has begun? More like "Is the char in combat?", only if YES then "One, two, flee".
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Postby Valiant » Wed Apr 07, 2004 4:04 pm

But being inactive before the fight, should reduce the in-fight time before fleeing...

Gets very complicated.

Can be done I think, but we'd best settle for pressing return every now and then to stay active, for now at least :)
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Postby Melodor » Wed Apr 07, 2004 7:18 pm

If you aren't injured at all (full HP) you won't flee.

Otherwise, as Valiant suggests, keep hitting return as you go into aggro areas.

Another alternative is (clear noauto, set lagflee, set wimpy 50).
Then you will not lagflee, because you will be auto-hitting. You still have some protection from lag from having lagflee and wimpy set: if you hit a lag patch *and* get to under 50HP you will granite.

It's not a perfect system but it's impossible to tell when people are lagged or are just not typing at the moment, so we have to work with it as best we can.
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Postby jagg » Wed Apr 07, 2004 8:17 pm

Ah, I'm not clear what 'auto-hitting' does. Is that like auto-hitting a key, so you stay 'awake' for lagflee purposes?
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Postby Ruan » Thu Apr 08, 2004 6:44 am


Paladins and monks often seem to favour setting this, it means that every time a creature tries to hit your character, your character will automatically try to hit it back. This is done without you typing anything and used to be used as mild protection against lag (small chance you will kill your enemy, even when you cannot send commands to your character).

Lagflee will still "activate" it you've not typed anything for 6 seconds, but the fact that your character is hitting their opponent will prevent them from being able to flee. (They will still be able to granite if the HP sink below the wimpy level).

A reason for not having lagflee timers reset at each new beginning combat:
Suppose you have lagged out in battle with, say a garou. After 6 seconds of incativity your HP will probably be pretty low - lagflee may remove you to another room before you die, but perhaps there is an aggro creature in it - then by your proposed method you would have to sit there another 6 seconds being hit before you could flee (you'd probably be dead).

Use one of Melodor's suggestions instead. Hitting return every few seconds seems to work for most people, but (auto-attack + wimpy + lagflee) would be worth a try.
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Postby Ghandi » Thu Apr 08, 2004 7:35 am

I do not completely agree with Ruan comment that paladins favour aut-attack. On the contrary. Auto-attack causes your char to hit back against the one who last hit you. Good way to prevent to flee indeed, BUT, it's really annoying when you're fighting a group of bugbears or goblins or even two murderesses. Why? Because auto-attack makes your char hit the target who last hit you, you probably switch between your enemies since of them (or both of course) can miss you and you will hit the other. When im fighting against a group, i focus on one target and eliminate that one first, continueing with another and so on. Now auto-attack i have problems focussing on one specific target. This way it takes more time before one target is dead and your group will stay large for a longer time, so the chances you get hit stay high for more time than if you would kill one by one.

There's one big advantage with auto-attack and im happy it's in the game. If your enemie flees to another room if could be that in that room there are more creatures with the same name. If they aren't aggro you might attack the wrong one, especially if you don't know how many there are. With autu-attack you will automaticly attack the right one, even if there are 7 other creatures with same name.
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Postby Kaedan » Thu Apr 08, 2004 10:59 am

Ruan said that paladins and monks *often* seem to favour lag-flee Ghandi, not that *all* paladins and monks favour it. The fact that you personally don't use it doesn't change the fact that the majority of people that do are paladins and monks.

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Postby Scorpion » Thu Apr 08, 2004 11:23 am

Weel, scorpion used it quite some time, mostly because of the lag i had back then. Now i only use it when i'm fighting vicars with anubis, cause there are so many of them and they run away very fast.
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Postby jagg » Thu Apr 08, 2004 11:57 am

Interesting to know about auto-attack. I think it might interfere too much with circling and fleeing for me to use that, as well as for the reason Ghandi mentioned.

I'll try the other remedy of staying active in areas where it's likely to be a problem. Don't be surprised if you see Jagg whistling and twiddling his thumbs at random moments :)
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Postby Scorpion » Thu Dec 02, 2004 4:33 pm

Sorry for bringing this topic to our attention again, but..

With lagflee you will flee in a lagg situation. Ok, i said it wrong. With lagflee you will *try* to flee in lag stiuations. This i disagree. With lagflee you shouldn't fail to flee. Succesfull fleeing is, well i think it is, based on luck, skills etc.

I can imagine lagflee failing to flee, which could lead to a death. *cringe*
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Postby Scorpion » Sat Dec 25, 2004 10:58 pm

perhaps you have to set lagflee to a curtain hp lvl, like with wimpy.
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