
Got an idea? Keep it to yourself!! Just kidding, leave them here and discuss them with your fellow players.


Postby Scorpion » Thu Sep 08, 2005 12:56 am

In LoS you can move from one side of the world to the other withing a minute, if you can walk fast (by speedwalk of memory, i prefer the last one).

As some of use know, I (and some others) can walk very fast through the lands. This is just experience and i know a lot of ways in my mind. But i think that a person can't walk forever. I believe everyone thinks like that. I've walked 40 km every day for 4 days, and believe me, it's not that nice.

So, i think something should be done with the movement system. I've seem other muds using a movement system, where you have a limited amout of steps, and that every step costs you 1 (or more) steps.

I don't really know what the best solution will be, but I think something should be done. Cause there is a certain quest (not mentioning a name :P ) which helps you travelling through the lands, but if someone uses speedwalk, i allmost see no difference between that certain quest (*wistle*) and speedwalk.

Perhaps a limited amount of moves, which recharges while resting. Or amount of move per day (don't like this one). Perhaps race realated how much you movement is. Little people less then others (hmm, not a that good idea)

But anyway, just some ideas about it, hope you have others or even better ones. Perhaps including weather for amount of movements....

Not very sure if i allready posted this before..........
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Joined: Thu Jan 22, 2004 6:12 pm

Postby ariel » Thu Sep 08, 2005 7:39 am

that would be bad if you run out of staps in the middle of some big fight and you cant go back for rest, say like a battle with goblins.

on the other hand i think its a good idea, you should see a timer with the nummer of steps,
when youre resting the timer ticks up again.
the higher the lvl the more steps you get?
Posts: 16
Joined: Tue Jun 28, 2005 9:38 am

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