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by Scorpion » Mon Sep 27, 2004 10:55 pm
I have a few notes on the current system for the contract/hunt system.
The first thing is the time limit. When an assassin decideds to hunt someone that assassin has around 20 min to kill that player. But the problem is that when the victum leaves the lands, the timer still counts and the contract will wore off. This is bad, cause when someone decides (s)he wants Erynn dead and plays around 350k gold and an assassin takes up the contract and Erynn has to leave, the money is wasted and the job isn't done.
My suggestion is to remove the time limiter and let the contract end when the hunters kills the victum or when the victum kills the hunter.
The 2nd, but only a minor one, is to let people put contracts on some creatures. Not the small one, but the bigger ones.
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by Ghandi » Mon Sep 27, 2004 11:14 pm
I agree. Like the wanted posters you see in westerns (and still these days as well). Especially the amount of money you have to pay to make vs the time you have to fullfill a contract does not really seem appropiate. Maybe a little change that makes it interesting to contract high lvl players.
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by Kampfer » Tue Sep 28, 2004 1:21 am
I'm not aware of all the contracts system but I think the hunter only gets exp from the kill.. whats the point to give 350k to volman for Erynn if the hunter don't get a penny.
and the price on the head of someone is so much it don't give anyone the mood to spend on an enemy.
plus players rarely put contracts I think.. so adding some random perm wanted per day or per 6hours in the contract list like Hef.. or Gnardu.. or Egan.. something like that.. no one even put a bounty on the celeb Seven of Claw.
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by Scorpion » Tue Sep 28, 2004 3:50 pm
Uhm, you get xp from your hunt, get an item of that ones inventory...
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by Steejo » Tue Sep 28, 2004 6:57 pm
Do u get to chose the item or do u get stuck with one?
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by Scorpion » Tue Sep 28, 2004 9:31 pm
no, you get a random item. The things i got was something like a minor healing potion, nothing good really.
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by Sothis » Tue Sep 28, 2004 9:53 pm
Another thing...I know I've discussed this with 'someone' don't know who it was, but...if you pick up a bounty on someone, You have to ask them to duel before you can actually attack them...I think this ruins the nasty surprise that an assassin give's someone if he's like. Hey ummm...want to duel?...then most are like...Hell no! hehe...just a pain to pick up bounties...oh and I think assassins should be able to kill their victim in chapel or healing areas as well. I think it's kind of dumb for someone to be like...hold on I gotta heal before you try to kill me! Just some thoughts
As Kampfer said, Yeah I think we should get gold, item from kill, and maybe something from Guild, like a nice peice of armour..not having to do alot of protection just cool name...like shadow stuff...not much of that around...or maybe comparing item, to level of kill. Heck, I'd like a RP award for carrying them out. Not many these days and I've got like 5 or 6 total now I think...even though they weren't that high leveled...at least its something
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by Scorpion » Wed Sep 29, 2004 10:23 am
I agree on Sothis that it ruins it when you have to duel them first, before you can attack them. Everybody knows assassins are good pkillers. A lvl 10 assassin can kill a lvl 18 paladin, just an example ( Ghandi ).
And No, i don't agree on getting RP from a hunt, cause that's just a job. Like paladins kill evil, assassins have their jobs (Hmm, for paladins......) RP awards are just someone you have to work on, you won't get them for free. I'm not the best rp-er in the lands, i lost my title about 2 or 3 times now.
And you get gold from your guild if you succeed the hunt. The harder the target, the more you get.
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by Valiant » Wed Sep 29, 2004 3:29 pm
No RP award for doing what your character should do ? On the contrary, this is what RP is all about.
Of course, not accepting a duel from a bounty hunter could be considered bad RP imho, unless your character is supposed to be a coward or something :p Still, I agree duelling and assassinations don't mix.
Also, I thought once there was a gold award for the assassin... Has this been removed then ? Still, it should be there; assassins usually kill for the money.
Last edited by Valiant on Wed Sep 29, 2004 5:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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by Kampfer » Wed Sep 29, 2004 3:59 pm
you get gold from the guild.. how much on a 15k bountied head?
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by Melodor » Wed Sep 29, 2004 5:54 pm
The fact that you cannot currently contract kill without dueling is a bug (as we discussed, Sothis) which has been on the list since you brought it to our attention.
The codemaster is currently extremely busy, we've hardly seen him, but I'm sure he'll fix the game when his real life settles down a bit.
Assassins gain both gold and experience for their successfully executed contracts. The guild take a percentage of the bounty but the rest is passed onto the killer.
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by Scorpion » Wed Sep 29, 2004 6:47 pm
Melodor wrote:The codemaster
Oh cool, you give each other nicknames. What's your nick Melodor?
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by Kampfer » Sat Oct 02, 2004 5:02 pm
plus I think about it.. went a contract is succeed you receive a email with all the compliment of the house.. but when they fail Volman don't refund anyone nor gives news about the contract.. how could that fespectful Volman can allow to deceive people when they waste money on failing contracts... he should give refund or give a certain potion to that person *wink*
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