Fleeing for creatures

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Fleeing for creatures

Postby Ghandi » Wed Jan 05, 2005 6:40 pm

Sometimes when your enemy is near to death, they decide to flee for their lives. But what i noticed is that npc's don't have the x second delay after they hit or cast at you, like players do have. Why not give them that delay as well?
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Postby Melodor » Thu Jan 06, 2005 9:50 am

Let us extend this natural idea a little further -- harmonising creature and player combat behaviour. Perhaps we should allow all creatures to flee when it suits them and to go and heal themselves up at a the medic centre -- returning when they are ready, perhaps with a friend or additional resources.

The line between what creatures may do and what players may do has to be drawn somewhere. For now at least, it is drawn here: I'm reliably informed that the code around this element is horrendous so it is unlikely to change soon in any case.
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Postby Scorpion » Fri Jan 07, 2005 10:55 pm

Hmm, that the same as the 3 sec casting for creatures? Cause i see guardians and other paladin creatures casting every 3 sec instead of 5 sec (for players)
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Postby Melodor » Sat Jan 08, 2005 8:09 am

Hm - I don't see this. Maybe there is something wrong with your watch? I had a healing race with a vigil knight (paladin) and whilst I can cast every 3 seconds, he could only cast every 5. It looks alright in my testing.
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Postby Scorpion » Sat Jan 08, 2005 2:05 pm

Hmm, pretty sure i saw them casting faster. Oh well, nevermind then.
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