Special title

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Special title

Postby Kampfer » Sun Jun 12, 2005 9:32 pm

finally its not too late and I have more ideas :)

a player who shows potential with really good RP should have a reserved slot somewhere.. maybe profile.. for a special title.

this title will be given by the DMs only and cannot be changed.. (but can be remove by DM if RP goes back after a while).. the title should be inspired by the action of the character.. for example Ghandi searched alot and found alot too and got an orb from that.. his special title could be "Ghandi the Explorer", other could be "Tipsy the Drunken Alchemist", old dusted character but "Sulu the Mercenary", "Kampfer the Chosen One" *whistle*, etc.. well depend on the RP.

instead of sticking on the Quests title and the level title it would bring some diversity amoung us, even if I haven't see alot of proficient dread knight diversity is good :)
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Postby Melodor » Sun Jun 12, 2005 10:00 pm

This feature has been in since RP awards were introduced. Sadly no-one yet reached the heady heights of having sufficient awards to choose their own title.
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Postby Kampfer » Sun Jun 12, 2005 11:50 pm

oh you mean its after skilful and maybe even more... cool I have a new goal in my life now lol
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Joined: Thu Jan 22, 2004 4:04 am
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