bashing and circling

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bashing and circling

Postby donald » Sun Jul 31, 2005 6:04 pm

i have been thinking about bash and cirlce,

shouldnt be bash, binding an opponent
because when i bash someone hes hurt and cant hit me.

when i circle someone he get confused and dont remember wich spell he was gonna say.

what do u think?
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Postby Sothis » Mon Aug 01, 2005 12:33 am

Well if you bash someone in the head, I don't believe they are going to be able to think to cast. If you circle them, they are circling around to try and hit you and get all tangled up. Well that's how I looked at it anyways. Hope it helped.
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Postby donald » Mon Aug 01, 2005 7:38 am

when i bash someone its in his stomach,
so hes hurt and grabs his stomach because hes hurt, and while doing that he cant hit me.
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Postby Melodor » Mon Aug 01, 2005 8:59 am

You can read the help files bash and circle. We're not 100% satisfied with the descriptions and separation of the effects ourselves but at the moment the effects are explained by saying that bash is aimed at disabling a target's spellcasting ability -- usually by landing blows to their head. The help file also mentions blows to the hands and I'd suggest that any blow that made a person cry out in pain would probably interrupt their spellcasting. The help file for circle is less helpful, in my opinion. I do not see it as necessarily running circles around the opponent (running in circles around large opponents seems somewhat unlikely) but dodging about, attracting the focus of their physical attacks and then dodging out of the way.

So long as you can find an explanation that suits you for why one stops casting and one stops hitting that's all that matters really. We're aware that the given/current explanations are not entirely watertight and I believe that the way both bash and circle work is something that is being examined.
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