More labour intensive, but I expect it would be a lot more fun

Roleplay rewards
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Roleplay rewardsI was thinking; wouldn't it be much more fun if an item wasn't just given to you, but you had to get it through a unique quest ?
More labour intensive, but I expect it would be a lot more fun ![]()
I think personalized quests would be a great new element to LoS. Of course there are those general quests everyone or at least a large scale of people can do. Ghandi wants to solo a certain shade once but he needs to get past a blue creature and he needs to check the shade's aura as well.
But we are all individuals with different interests. I think personalized quests, earned by rp, would add more fun. Each char that rps has his/her own background and wouldn't it be great that you could do a quest related on your background, for example Ghandi recieves a letter from his hometown telling him they're having a serious problem with some kind of beast and are asking him to free them from this beast as they heard tales and heroic stories about Ghandi. So Ghandi needs to kill that beast. Don't know if it's possible, but it would be great if that beast can only be harmed or reached by Ghandi alone to prevent others interfering in his quest. Just an idea. Ghandi would really enjoy having his own quest which will be a nice change in his daily life of killing evil and searching forests for stuff which he thinks he will never find.
Well Ghandi be destructive sometimes when he explores a new area. Unlike many others who are really cautious in exploring new areas, Ghandi just wants to explore as much as he can. This drives him sometimes to actions which he normally would not do. His first visit to the goblins was quite remarkable. As Erynn and Kylan needed eachother to reach Ungbad Redfist, Ghandi solo'd the elite ogre and his teacher in a quite a battle. After defeating those, Ghandi became aware what he just did and stood victorious on the two bodies of the giant ogres. Why hiding from Ungbad? Let him see what this little hobbit can do.
Hmm, coming back to the subject. I'm anxious to hear the responds of the staff. Maybe clanquests could be included as well.
At present the building tools are too labour intensive to seriously consider adding areas for individual quests in this way, and we'd rather focus on adding areas and features that everybody can enjoy.
I'm not saying that this will always be the case, but until LoS is more 'finished' I don't think that you'll see much in the way of individual quests. --Kaedan
You don't have to add new areas for personalised quests of course, a new creature would be sufficient enough
![]() But we really appriciate the work you all ![]()
Recently i joined in a fight against a 'quest-creature'. I got beaten up with only two hits, both worth 48 damage. And you're telling me i can solo such a strong creature. Even if i had goldens, i could be tricky. Think i will try that ogrish leader first.
Is there any chance that you (DMs) could make it so that the players could see how well they are doing rp wise. I know that if you get a special item from you, then you are doing well but aside from that I do not know how well I am doing. Well I don't have an item but nor do I get yelled at for bad practices so I am left to judge the rest on my own I guess. You could have a grading scale like show-aura, except for roleplay maybe? Just some thoughts.
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