Abuse of Emotes

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Abuse of Emotes

Postby Scorpion » Tue Jun 22, 2004 4:16 pm

Some of us are abusing the emotes (not saying that i don't but..):

Pally bs DK fight, both waiting in chapel. Pally types: emote leaves out -> Dk goes out thinking he will start the battle and win. instead of that the pally comes out last, and starts.

This can also be done with the little games like dice and element, giving gold to another etc.
Perhaps an emote-filter so people can't make emotes the same.
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Re: Abuse of Emotes

Postby Valiant » Tue Jun 22, 2004 5:08 pm

Scorpion wrote:Pally bs DK fight, both waiting in chapel. Pally types: emote leaves out -> Dk goes out thinking he will start the battle and win. instead of that the pally comes out last, and starts.

The same could be done when trading items and gold. These things are easily checked, but you have to do it still...

But it shouldn't be abused like that, I agree.

The games were added for fun. If you don't want abuse, don't bet gold on it.

Accept it, there are always people who manage to ruin a fun feature by things like this. Just don't trade/gamble with their kind if you know who.

Emotes could be given a specific ansi colour different from the actual messages, but there will probably be drawbacks to this.
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Re: Abuse of Emotes

Postby Scorpion » Tue Jun 22, 2004 6:39 pm

Valiant wrote:Emotes could be given a specific ansi colour different from the actual messages, but there will probably be drawbacks to this.

That's an options (also for broademotes... broade just left the lands of stone;out;k kamp)
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Postby Kampfer » Tue Jun 22, 2004 7:49 pm

but I still don't care about being fooled like that and see Ghandi arrive "after" and confuse... I will still win ;)
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Postby Ghandi » Wed Jun 23, 2004 10:51 am

Ghandi whistles a little tune.....

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Postby Broken » Fri Jun 25, 2004 8:25 am

I'm not liking that ansi idea, I don't use ansi while I play, good old black and white... :?
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Postby Melodor » Fri Jun 25, 2004 9:37 am

Comment 1: Using emotes to do impossible things isn't exactly good roleplay. Emoting leaving the room whilst you are still in it falls within that category.

Comment 2: It's often "possible" to cheat when gambling informally. If a paladin player is seen cheating he's likely to get struck by lightning by his god (Hara). If you play a thief or other less-than-trustworthy character, you make them play first in "Elements" (for example) so that they can't cheat.

Comment 3: If you can't be trusted in a game of Elements or dice, what can you be trusted with? Cheaters always run the risk of discovery, and the loss of reputation could have interesting consequences for the character concerned.
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Postby Steejo » Tue Jul 06, 2004 8:04 am

I must confess i do use broademotes & emotes to do some impossible things.

One of my favourites is: broade takes some pills with a face on;laugh;laugh;laugh
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