Documenting problems connecting

Out of Character chats, discussions and rambles.

Postby Scorpion » Sun Dec 18, 2005 12:31 pm

allmost a month now without able to connect...
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Postby Kaedan » Mon Dec 19, 2005 8:47 am

Ok, because of the continuing connection issues, we'll almost certainly be moving the server at some point during the next couple of weeks.

If & when we do, we will of course redirect the DNS address to the new IP as soon as we move, but I will also post the new IP in the announcements thread.

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Postby Ghandi » Mon Dec 19, 2005 10:17 am

That's good news for those who were unable to connect..well, good news for everybody. More players mean more fun. It can be quite boring if you are alone in the lands. An occasional meet and greet is nice.
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Postby Scorpion » Mon Dec 19, 2005 5:55 pm

### Meglaz the Elven Sorceress just entered the Lands of Stone.

WOW.... I can log
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Postby jagg » Mon Dec 19, 2005 7:55 pm

19th December 2005, 19:53:
Able to log in! Kampfer and Meglaz also present.

*sigh* A good horse runs at the shadow of the whip. Mention a server change and things work fine once more.
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Postby Kampfer » Mon Dec 19, 2005 9:34 pm

well I don't think so.. cause it seems to have some problem with the engine.. once a perm is gone.. he's gone.. no traffic at all.. waited 20min in the chapel and no acolytes.. nothing elsewhere.

seems to be a bug and thats why we have been allowed to log in :)
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Postby Qoith_2 » Mon Dec 19, 2005 10:49 pm

Glad you all had a chance to log your characters to lift the fear of them getting wiped due to inactivity.

Lack of traffic sounds like a different problem altogether.

I am still unable to connect (Monday 10:30pm server time) so perhaps I was right and it is now my turn for a while. Let's hope the change of server fixes the problems once and for all. I can't find another "land" that has the same shine as LoS.
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Postby dumas » Tue Dec 20, 2005 12:37 am

Hmm, thats funny, i can't login on my end anymore haha
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Postby Qoith_2 » Tue Dec 20, 2005 2:15 pm

:) :) :) :) :)
I can log again ... pity I waited until I was about to go to bed to re-try but fingers are crossed for tomorrow. It seems Kampfer was spot on about the lack of traffic. Lucky LoS has so many perms, is all I can say.

..... OK not so good ... the lack of mobs and repop of perms is not good ... but surely a totally separate issue to the connectivity problem.
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Postby Kampfer » Tue Dec 20, 2005 3:42 pm

yep.. and THAT is a problem :)
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Postby Kaedan » Tue Dec 20, 2005 10:37 pm

Server should have creatures running around in it again, they vanish if and when we take a full backup of everything and forget to reinitialise it. :P

We will still be moving soon, that's why the backup snapshot was taken.
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Postby Kampfer » Wed Dec 21, 2005 12:48 am

oh good.. that means I shouldn't play til you find a new home cause everything gonna be wasted if i'm playing now? or the backup was for the engine included?

(I'm still wondering what look like your dms' toys (tools) behind that darkness that is my screen.. can I see the code? :) plz)
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Postby Kaedan » Wed Dec 21, 2005 9:04 pm

That was a code backup, something we don't do very often as we don't need to. (code is tested and then uploaded, so we already have the "backup" of the live LoS before it goes to the server). However, we'd done a few "hot-fixes" with the creatures, rooms and code over the past few months, so we had to take the backup this way. As I said, it's rare that we need to do that.

Player backups are taken daily, so don't worry about continuing to play. The player-files will be backed up and transfered across at the moment that we switch the servers, so you'll be able to play up until pretty much the last moments.

Player-rooms are backed up with the players, before you ask. :P

So, just to make it clear, you won't "lose" anything if you continue playing till the last minute, as a standard player backup will be done as we move.

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