exspensive screen shot

Out of Character chats, discussions and rambles.

exspensive screen shot

Postby Illyatra » Wed Apr 06, 2005 2:23 am

You see Erill, Raldo, Zoren.
You see 135 gold coins, 147 gold coins, 150 gold coins, 155 gold coins, 157
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39 gold coins, 42 gold coins, 43 gold coins, four 44 gold coins, 46 gold
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coins, two 68 gold coins, two 70 gold coins, 71 gold coins, 72 gold coins, 74
gold coins, 76 gold coins, 80 gold coins, 83 gold coins, 96 gold coins, 25
leaf blades, eleven shadow blades, 31 stilletos.

well i think that this is cool we spent like 2 and a half hours on this
Posts: 50
Joined: Fri Mar 19, 2004 3:09 am

Postby Ghandi » Wed Apr 06, 2005 10:19 pm


And then a streetsweeper arrived, picked everything up and wandered away :P :lol:
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Postby brent » Sat May 28, 2005 10:08 am

Ghandi wrote:Nice

And then a streetsweeper arrived, picked everything up and wandered away :P :lol:

that streetsweeper is now dead
(i wish i was there)
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Location: the middle of the hurricane target

Postby Erill » Thu Jul 27, 2006 9:18 am

You see Erill, Rylo, Kesshi.
You see 50265 gold coins, two adamantine swords, 158 leaf blades, 103 shadow blades, three steel blades, 144 stilletos.

This took a very, very, VERY long time and at the end, we were all very sleepy, but it was well worth it!

Edit : Oh, we had to stack the coins because we had so many, the bottom of the list disappeared off screen.
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Location: Glasgow, Scotland

Postby Valiant » Thu Jul 27, 2006 11:33 am

And then came the process of picking up all those swords and bringing them to the pawn shop. A few at a time :lol:
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Postby Erill » Thu Jul 27, 2006 6:44 pm

Yeah, about 15 weapons at a time...and i kept getting jumped by more guards, they are so inconsiderate.
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Location: Glasgow, Scotland

Postby stoner » Fri Jul 28, 2006 4:41 am

do it again!
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Joined: Fri Jun 03, 2005 7:43 am

Postby Erill » Wed Oct 17, 2007 12:32 am

I did it again. XD

You see twelve adamantine swords, 351 leaf blades, 252 shadow blades, twelve steel blades, 386 stilletos.

Yep, i solo-ed this mound of cash and you dont even wanna know how long it took ;p. Was lots of fun though, and very lucrative. Carting it to the pawn shop was an experience, i have to send out a big thanks to 2 special people for helping with the lift! You know who you are XD. I woulda added a gold count as well, but i didnt realise i was gonna stock pile until i'd hit 50 shadow blades, and i'd been picking up the gold, so i decided not to bother with the coins. An estimated coins count would come to about 125000. All in all, lots of fun XD. A cookie to the person that tops this effort!
Posts: 58
Joined: Mon Jun 21, 2004 10:59 pm
Location: Glasgow, Scotland

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