Out of Character chats, discussions and rambles.
by Kampfer » Tue Feb 10, 2004 7:21 pm
hehe sorry I'm a curious person... I must know alot of stuff
Like the same way of Ruan's question, I want to know your story.. and how can you describe yourself... by that I mean, exemple: Kaedan the hand of nature, what is your wishes, what kind of "god" you are, how should we praise you  and stuff like that. Or Marduuk the ancient dragon, beside resting on your treasures, what is your alimentation, what you feed from, such thing.
I fear none of you will respond but I'm still hoping for 
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by Ghandi » Wed Feb 11, 2004 9:15 am
Also, what is the history of the crew chars and made them to start making LoS. Im really curious to know those stories.
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by Melodor » Sat Feb 14, 2004 11:39 am
The policy for LoS staff is that we do not discuss our personal lives with the players. It's simply not relevant here.
The history and details of god figures e.g. Kron, Hara, Flint, Aester is something that will appear within the game, not on the bulletin board. Currently there is not a lot of information to be found about them but "it's on the list".
Shihan, Kaedan and Ruan are not gods, although Shihan is considered the champion of the human spirit and as such has had shrines dedicated to him.
Marduuk is a dragon, if you want to know more ask him - politely. He eats knights but the armour gets stuck between his teeth. Igor is a conglomeration of bits resembling something vaguely humanoid. I'm just a simple gnomish scholar of magic. We live in a large magical vaulted hallway which looks down over the lands and echoes to the sounds of your voices.
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by Igor » Sat Feb 14, 2004 2:14 pm
vaguely humanoid???
I'm 100% certified humanoid, It says so on my receipts! and its all good quality stuff, not 'bits'
However the comment about the echoes... keep it down at night please. When I'm helping with an important experiment I do need to concentrate.
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by Ghandi » Wed Mar 17, 2004 9:08 am
Im pretty curious about the history of LoS. What made the builders start building LoS and how did they gained the first testing players? I think starting a complete new mud with a whole new story, plots, puzzles and quests require quite a lot of imagination, persistence and patience. Hope you could give us more info about that.
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by Kaedan » Wed Mar 17, 2004 10:30 am
As Melodor said, "The policy for LoS staff is that we do not discuss our personal lives with the players. It's simply not relevant here."
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by Ghandi » Wed Mar 17, 2004 12:56 pm
Ok, just thought since you guys asked us why we started mudding, we could ask the same from you guys.
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by Kaedan » Wed Mar 17, 2004 9:25 pm
Ah, well you see we had a very good reason for asking those questions.
Knowing what drew you to LoS in the first place and keeps you playing helps us to draw more good players in and keep them playing. Ultimately we asked so that we can make the experience better for you.
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by Keezheekoni » Wed Mar 17, 2004 11:18 pm
Apparently something is working... 16 people were logged on los at the same time today. It kind of freaked me out 
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by Kampfer » Thu Mar 18, 2004 1:36 am
keezheezoni.. more freaken than seeing me (Celgar) smiling? 
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by Keezheekoni » Thu Mar 18, 2004 2:04 am
Heavens no, that was the scariest experience I have had in my entire life time.
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by Ghandi » Thu Mar 18, 2004 9:03 am
16??? Wow, that is a real long time ago since i saw that many online. It's good to see many new ones found LoS. Maybe promoting this forum a bit mor, but adding some posters in Amethyst, Amber and Coral. Maybe also some extra lines for the immigration officer. If we could keep those new ones motivated, it could really crowded again. Then i have to search for enemies again.
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- Location: Lionhearts Keep
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