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Postby Hurk » Mon Aug 02, 2004 2:20 am

I dont like the idea that binds dont last as long any more for little mages! :(
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Postby Qoith » Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:46 am

hmm - maybe little mages shouldnt have bind ...

I have a level 9 mage and spend a lots of time searching - i still havent found it and even if I could, I have been told I couldn't get it without help :(
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Postby Hurk » Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:53 am

Maybe they should if they know where it is and if they can get help to get it. If you ever need help Hurks on the way *cackle*
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i am in disbelief

Postby brent » Mon Aug 02, 2004 5:02 am

i cant believe that binds dont last as long as they used to

this really sucks OOC: my mage cant seem to find bind either but he is going to search for stun when he gets lv 12
Last edited by brent on Tue Oct 05, 2004 3:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Valiant » Mon Aug 02, 2004 8:58 am

It does not suck.

Ever seen what those trap spider do to a level 18 paladin ?

They bind him! For as much as one whole second! *grin*

The strength of your bind is now dependant on your level (and intelligence maybe). The result is that level 12 mages will no longer be able to crush level 18 enemies without proper difficulty. It bring better balance to the game.
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Postby Ghandi » Mon Aug 02, 2004 10:06 am

I believe that now level difference is less important on how long your bind lasts. It's more what lvl your opponent has. As lvl 14 perm is qualified as a tough creature, so even for lvl 18 pallies binds last shorter than usual. You should think a lvl 18 player shouldnt have too much trouble with them.
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Postby Melodor » Mon Aug 02, 2004 11:33 am

Experiment more Ghandi. You should now get fewer bad binds on a creature several levels beneath you than you used to, or than you now would on one that is your level. Suggesting that a level 14 is somehow specially regarded as "a tough creature" is rather an odd idea.
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Postby Scorpion » Mon Aug 02, 2004 2:06 pm

Scorpion's bind lasts long now against lvl 14. like 10 sec, sometimes it looks like even more. which is very nice, cause i don't miss that often.

Regarding to Valiant. A lvl 12 mage taking out a lvl 18 creature. Offcourse i shouldn't take it too serious, BUT...
A mage could only take out creatures which are 1 lvl higher then them in 1 run. If they did more runs, then can take out lvl 14's (still talking about lvl 12 mage). If you are from another guild, except paladins, you could also take higher lvl creatures, if you do several runs. Just a matter of fleeing, ticking and going back.

I know my mage was powerfull at lvl 12, but i have much trouble taking out mayor, cause he just ticks too fast which made it allmost impossible to kill.

I think you, valiant, think mages are undeathable and can kill every creature without difficulty. NO.. Play a mage yourself, you see where there weakness is. They just don't have much HP and are dead so fast if things go wrong.

Mages just weren't too powerfull, but just robots, that's all.
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