Hiding items while hidden... bug or not ?

Out of Character chats, discussions and rambles.

Hiding items while hidden... bug or not ?

Postby Valiant » Mon Aug 30, 2004 8:48 pm

I just noticed an interesting thing about hiding...

When I try to hide an item while hidden myself, the message appears: "Please wait # minutes". This way it is possible to see how much time is left until stepping out of the shadows. Any random command line starting with hide works, like 'hide blah' and the time left will be shown. No items need to be actually on the floor. Unhiding of course leads to (nearly) direct ability to hide items.

Is this a bug, or just a nice way to check how much time left ?
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Joined: Sat Jan 24, 2004 5:27 pm
Location: White Castle

Postby Melodor » Mon Aug 30, 2004 9:40 pm

Possibly a bit of both - i.e. we're aware of it, but it's not urgent to "fix".
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Joined: Wed Jan 28, 2004 12:40 pm

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