
Out of Character chats, discussions and rambles.


Postby Scorpion » Tue Jan 27, 2004 5:42 pm

Where should i post my stories now? here or at Erynn's site? could do both.
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Postby Valiant » Tue Jan 27, 2004 6:02 pm

Post them here and let Erynn make her own bardic version ;)
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Postby erynn » Tue Jan 27, 2004 10:12 pm

I think posting things on the BB is a great idea. I ran out of inspiration for making up my own stories for my site and although people like to read almost no-one supplies material. And those who do sometimes refuse to write in the first person *eye Valiant* ;)
I'm quite happy not to add to my site (lots of other more interesting things to do) but will still be happy to accept stories if people would like them to appear in the "Chronicles". I can also offer to edit/beta-read stuff if anyone needs help with their English or roleplay/atmospheric suggestions etc. No fee ;)
Looking forward to seeing what stories will appear.

PS My guide for new players was recently updated. If anyone knows anyone who ever looks at it - feedback is always welcome.
PPS Character descriptions are always welcomed too. Who is this Kampfer? :P
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Postby Ghandi » Wed Jan 28, 2004 8:32 am

In the questions topic created by Ruan you can see who Kampfer is :)
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Postby erynn » Wed Jan 28, 2004 10:19 am

*wave Ghandi* early in the morning was it? I was just nudging for character descriptions. Of course I know ooc who he is ;)
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Postby Ghandi » Wed Jan 28, 2004 11:14 am

*cackle* It was indeed early today. It took me at least 3 cups of coffee before i finally woke up. In the meanwhile 2 hours were already 'gone'. How could i be so stupid thinking you don't know who he is *pats himself on the head*
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Postby erynn » Wed Mar 10, 2004 6:55 am

So... no-one sends any character info or stories for a long time now. No-one has _ever_ given me any feedback on the guide I wrote for new players. Perhaps it's better just to abandon the book and use the bulletin board for all new stories? I could make this a poll but I would value comments more than votes. I would not be sorry to close the site if it's not really looked at anymore - it's only work to maintain - but I'm also happy to do that work if any people do still enjoy it.

PS I'm not going to take stories off the board and include them in the book unless the authors indicate to me that they would like this to happen (obviously...).
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Postby Ghandi » Wed Mar 10, 2004 9:01 am


I feel sorry i'd never gave you any feedback about the player guide and therefore i will write it here. I recently found out that the player guide was updated and after reading it, i think it is very clearly for new players (experienced mudplayers and really new ones) what this game has to offer what class and race are suitable for you. And since LoS holds high value on roleplaying you would think this would be included in this guide. And yes, of course this included and gives a new player a fairly good base to start roleplaying (i surely gave me inspiration :wink: ). Now with the new changes a little while ago i didn't knew the right order of the new aura system. As i looked through your guide i noticed you've written down the right rank of auras. It even showed me more than i thought there were.

I frequently look at the story chapter to see if new entries were added. I really enjoy reading those entries. I used to send entries as well, but due to real life situations (internship and other work), i don't have much time to play and therefore not enough time to experience something worthy to tell about (max time i usually play is 30 minutes if im lucky :cry: ). You know my opinion about the story chapter and i really appreciate the effort you've put in it. It showed me and others that LoS is not only about gaining xp and raising proficienses. Chars come to live about being somebody else then the one behind the keyboard. As you know, i like making those stories as i hope that others liked them as well and i will surely make new ones as soon as i have more time to play (around 23 april).

I feel sorry i didn't gave feedback, but now you know what i think about your efforts to make LoS come to live a bit more.

Thanks :D
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Postby Kampfer » Wed Mar 10, 2004 2:15 pm

wow... I can't say better.. Ghandi have said everything... and he's right :)
I enjoy too about the stories you made up.. all the work you put for the help section.

For new stories.. I have 2-3 pending.. I will send them to you :wink:
plus additional background on Kampfer. I can't do better than the Elnor's story.. but I got some inspiration talking to tipsy :)

P.S. don't stop your good work Erynn :)
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Postby Keezheekoni » Wed Mar 10, 2004 9:50 pm

Your player guide is great, I recall still looking at it when I was level 14 or 15 for some tips.

I could send you stories of Keezheekoni and Lokern, but I haven't gotten around to that yet. The story of Keezheekoni is pretty much established anyways.

The reason I do not send stories is because they are all repeats. Fighting Jooma, Choorga, Granite Warders... it has all been done before. (I got piece of treasure that I think only Ghandi has by the way :) )Perhaps if I find something new then I will make a story out of it and send it. This most likely won't happen for a while because I do not play as often, and when I do I usually am trying to get some levels and spells back.

Please don't close your book, I love reading the stories of others. It has been a great inspiration to me, and to us all.

Have a pleasant day --Blaze
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Postby erynn » Thu Mar 11, 2004 8:53 am

Aw.. thanks for the support! And thanks to Ghandi and Kampfer for their contributions. I know the problem of it all being repeats, fighting the same stuff over and over. Sometimes no amount of RP makes up for the fact that yes, we are just fighting Choorga (or whatever) for the nth time. Still, pure RP-style stories are welcome. MrPicalo must really have some tales to tell, getting mixed up with the DKs as he has... And there are a few other intrigues of which I'm vaguely aware. I guess I'll have to spend a bit more time online stirring things up, I mean.. finding things out.
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Postby Ghandi » Thu Mar 11, 2004 8:59 am

Im almost sure that there are intrigues, though who and when are elements I don't know. But im sure it's not a good thing for the Lionhearts clan as Kampfer seems to corrupt more and more souls. But we both know they are too weak to do any harm.
Last edited by Ghandi on Fri Mar 12, 2004 8:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Kampfer » Thu Mar 11, 2004 2:22 pm

for now.. i must agree.. they aren't strong enough to be publically in my clan.. (they will be a too nice target to get clan reputation and I will lose too much credit if I put them in the clan at this time) and I hope they will get level fast.. cuz it will be really painful to lionhearts and honour clans when the time will come.. I already enjoy it :)
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Postby Ghandi » Fri Mar 12, 2004 9:01 am

It's good to see something is done with the clan thing is los. Im also looking forward on that moment your clan is strong enough. Then we can finally have real battles between good and evil, though i think this is more suited for the heart of honour clan, as their ideas are fighting only for goodness. Lionhearts fights that cause as well, but it's not her main cause, that is finding new stuff.
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Postby Scorpion » Sat Mar 13, 2004 3:19 pm

Keezheekoni wrote:The reason I do not send stories is because they are all repeats. Fighting Jooma, Choorga, Granite Warders... it has all been done before.

Then make stories about your roleplay, or stories that makes others understand your RP better
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