Out of Character chats, discussions and rambles.
by Kampfer » Thu Mar 18, 2004 2:17 pm
Well.. corrupting people to something is my section
I'm trying to promote the forum to some player in the land but the sad part is I pick up only potential good roleplay (on certain of my criteria, I know its the job of DMs to do that.. but I hate some player and I prefer to don't see their stupidity on the forum, we have enough of mine and Ghandi's ones  )
However, more people online.. more chance to get good players and more chance to get more "unique" or "awesome" ideas for the lands 
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by Ghandi » Fri Mar 19, 2004 8:48 am
I really hope we community grows larger. Of course, it's fun to play with the ones you know, but if you only keep on playing over and over with the same person, i might get a bit bored. BUT, is has its advantages as well. You know eachother that well, you can anticipate on every action the other makes without thinking about what and why he's doing that. Scorpion and i can rely on eachother when we are exploring or just fighting in dangerous areas. With someone you don't know well, i could lead to your death since you don't know what his plans are when the other is leading. I know this due personal experiences  . But i think promoting this forum would add a lot to new players. Hope we will reach 20,30 or even 50 players!!!  . Don't think LoS is large enough for that.
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by Illyatra » Mon Mar 29, 2004 5:41 am
where did i first hear of l.o.s?
well i stumbled in to it while searching for something that was like D&D that i could play at home by my self.
What made me start playing it?
It was similar to D&D and i couldnt find any people in my area that played anymore (seriosly anyway)
What made me stay?
The game is easy to learn and fun to play.
What do i enjoy/dislike about l.o.s?
Hmm.. well i like that most all the experienced players are so helpful on explaining how to do stuff, and the element of roleplay is outstanding which is a great break from reality. Also it is alot like D&D except i can play whenever i want and dont have to find people i dont realy like anyway to play with. There is always something to do on l.o.s always something new to figure out or i can always find someone new to (try and) kill. The only dislike i have is stupid real life keeps getting in my way of playing as much as i would like to.
"stupid reality"
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by Ghandi » Mon Mar 29, 2004 7:46 am
Illyatra wrote:The only dislike i have is stupid real life keeps getting in my way of playing as much as i would like to.
"stupid reality"
I think more players have that same problem. At least i have. But to all bad things comes an end...one day, some day! 
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by brent » Wed Oct 06, 2004 4:54 pm
i first started playing a day after i went to John's (whiz) house, and he was sitting there, playing "this text game". at the moment i saw it i though it was boring, because of Diablo 2 "Lord of Destruction". i go there the day i start asking whiz for advice, like what to start with, what stats to use, how to rp, that kind of thing. then i notice he binding and fireballing the Hef guy when i asking him this, he kick butt. he said that i should start with a fighter with 18 18 6 6 7. this was a mistake, but i get to level 7 anyway, but these stats make it interesting.
P.S. how many players does los have? (ruan)
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by Sothis » Wed Oct 06, 2004 10:22 pm
I don't usually like to bring up old topics, but since it was brought up I thought I'd just throw in my 2 cents of information.
How I found out about LOS?
Well I used to play Deratia (nexus2) Whichever you want to call it. But that was the most awesome mud of all...even better than LOS. Sorry to say that but it was. All the classes had skills, and 'special skills'...they had the codes customized or whatever you want to call it. Everytime you casted a spell your character would recite the spell out...and you had to have your spells transcribed into a spellbook and hold the spellbook when you casted the spell. Was very realistic. It wasn't a hack/slash kind of game, but wasn't as strict on RP as LOS is. Like somehow obtaining an "Inept" title on each of my characters. I guess it'll be my trademark from now on. If you ever see a level 10+ druid with an "inept" in front of his title, you can ask yourself "What is Sothis/Rone doing playing a druid?" Hehe well I thought that was pretty funny. Plus they had alot of goblin/kobold/gnoll invasions...which was very awesome. My necromancer (More like a warlock or something I guess) controlled the dead and I could go order my vampire to attack stuff which was awesome when I reached level 19...Anyways the creator "Flame" got tired of holding up the server or whatever and just shut the place down. That started my search on another mud. I quit mudding for a while, then I found LOS from some search place and saw it had a likeness to Deratia. It wasn't as detailed but it wasn't a hack/slash mud either like Isengard. So I just amuse myself with LOS and play it because it's a little harder to kill some of these creatures than Deratia. And on Deratia I got to where I could sit and kill creatures that was worth 3k exp like a level 18 fighter killing a hawker. This place you have to work for your kills and I guess that makes it more interesting but more frustrating whenever you die.
What I dislike about LOS?
-Maybe just my "Inept" titles.
What keeps me playing LOS?
-I don't know really. I actually would just like to find alot of things that most don't know about and be able to consider myself a...legend. Like some that are here: Ghandi, Kampfer, Jagg, Valiant, Erynn, Scorpion, etc.
What am I doing still talking?
-I really have no idea, I'm bored off my mind trying to RP with my little level 3 bard which is really coming along pretty good when there is actually people on that I can RP with!
<-_-> Sothis
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by Qoith » Sat Oct 09, 2004 12:49 pm
I read this topic several months ago, but didn't feel ready to answer the questions at that time - was still too new on LOS - but now that it has been brought back to the top of the list, I figure it is time ...
I first played MUD back in the early 90s - twas a DIKU mud called Sanctuary which proved very addictive. Eventually I went cold turkey coz it was taking up too much family time. Then two years ago, I started playing a MORDOR mud and the addiction returned - but this time, it wasn't so bad - coz the whole family was addicted for a while  This mud ran for nearly 2 years and then died but my addiction remained. So I went looking ... had already dabbled in isen but it didn't really appeal - everyone helped too much - there was no incentive to explore - coz if you asked enough people, someone would tell you what you wanted to know, or give you a powerful weapon, or take you to hidden places, etc
I used the Mud Connector website and visited all the mordor muds; read the websites, etc and LOS won hands down.
So what do I enjoy about LOS - a new place to explore - with no-one giving away the secrets - so the sense of achievement when something new is found can be enjoyed by every player - at the beginning, new players don't appreciate this fact, but I see it as a real positive - sometimes I have felt so foolish when I have cheered and danced to find a hidden exit only to realize a few minutes later that it leads nowhere interesting. Every find is exciting
What do I dislike - well the fact that no-one gives away the secrets :p Seriously I found the advise on Erynn's page invaluable - I have visited every "trainer" and tried to complete every levelling quest as my characters are able to - I have searched in every room - I have talked to every monster I have found. I recently discovered the one thing I hadn't been doing and should have been doing - asking all the monsters about "trade" - I spent nearly a whole week re-visiting every monster I knew of - to ask them this question. And I know there are probably other things I haven't been doing, so I am sure I will be re-visiting everywhere plenty more times in the coming months.
Other dislikes - not many people on during my "evenings" and not many people at my level (of knowledge) so no-one I can go exploring with
Sure I will think of other stuff as soon as I post this - but oh well ...
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- Location: Lost under a pile of half completed LOS maps
by Kampfer » Sat Oct 09, 2004 2:27 pm
Qoith wrote:I have cheered and danced to find a hidden exit only to realize a few minutes later that it leads nowhere interesting.
huh? a hidden thing leading to a deadend... never saw that.
and if I can suggest you another thing about the trading thing.. talk to perms.. everyone you see.. and talk ..talk..talk.. ask about what they answer to stuff.. get hints.. and go kill some stuff.. get the drops.. and try to trade it to anyone.. they gonna tell you if they don't want it 
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by Scorpion » Sat Oct 09, 2004 2:29 pm
well, i know of some secret deadends... *whistle*
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by Ghandi » Sat Oct 09, 2004 2:53 pm
Not only perms have valuable information, also little wandering people could have usefull info. Some lead to something, some is just talk talk talk which you can't use.
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by donald » Tue Jun 28, 2005 9:47 am
donald (old killalot)
Where did you first hear of LoS?
valiant told me about los while were working, so i got intrested and decided to check it out
What made you start playing it?
just got me curios al the stories i heard of valiant
What made you stay?
i grew and became stronger, until one day i completly had no intrest at all in los, but now i started playing gain.
What do you enjoy/dislike most about LoS?
the groeping, interacting with ather player, too bad there arent many players online though.
If you play less lately, then what is the reason?
no comment
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