Fine line between rp and being evil
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Fine line between rp and being evilI noticed that some characters rp would be somewhat against game standards. For example I wanted my DK Lokern to speak with his weapon. In doing so I try to attack other players to prove a point, although after reading that post about player killing I feel really bad about it. (Sorry Voltage and Blakenshield
I was just about to post a new topic along these lines but I'll put it here instead.
Here is a situation. Thorn uses his last granite to escape certain doom. He thinks, "I'll go get the easiest granite i know from (as if i'd reveal the location :p )" He clears all the guards to this location and has about half strength left and can meditate. He throws everything he's got into the big fight and has to flee to tick. whilst ticking he hears that the thing has been killed. He broadcasts to find out who did the deed and gets the reply from a certain assassin (who I won't name because i'm a nice person) "It was me, if you can't kill it in one run thats your problem." Note: the guards were all dead and you have to go past some at least so you would know someone was in the area. If it was Thorn in the assassin's position and he saw all the guards were dead, the first thing he would do is "LOOK" at the things he wanted to attack in that area. Then he would see if anyone was attacking it. If there was, he would leave it or ask them if they were coming back to finish it off. I'm not sure if the assassin was RPing or is just like that, but to me thats a really bad RP policy. Oh, and if you think that Thorn killed something you were fighting, if he realises his mistake, he'll let you know it was him, appologise and leave the full drop there for you. If he doesn't realise, tell him, if it was him, he'll apologise and reimburse you for the drop.
I agree half of it... first I was there.. Astoria did a good RP, its an assassin.. don't think he will have pity on someone
![]() but when LOS is loaded of players, due to a small world (compare to some with 30players+) sometimes it happens we kill someones' prey without checking every living creature. When you are high lvl you don't really check low kills. The other part is.. (without spoiling) if you arrive somewhere .. where usually you found guards, everybody is dead.. and you arrive to the big boss.. maybe he just respawn few seconds ago. the part I agree with is... when you kill someones' prey and you don't have full EXP.. like if you usually got 500 from it and you only got 150 you can see someone was on it.. and the drop should be givin or kind of refund.. if someone got the "famous drop you were look for" and don't want to give it back.. at least give a gold compensation.
Bad RP?
I think it's good RP. As you have seen, the assassin made clear that he doesn't care about others, or who they are attacking. and if you would say sorry.. that your RP (being kind to others), not her's. And about the guards... She was happy they were gone, only wanted to do that person, not the guards
As a one off event it was considered to be good roleplay. Attacking something and then fleeing does not make it yours, and an assassin is trained to take advantage and strike while a target is weak. Having said that, someone who did this repeatedly would be nudged or turned into a toad or something.
We were discussing Lokern and Kampfer's behaviour. We appreciate that it is hard to play a DK well. At the moment they are more like teenage thugs (perhaps appropriate for their level) than chilling evil. In both cases it is wise to use OOC - then people will support your roleplay. If you run the slightest risk of annoying another player or being regarded as a jerk, then use OOC. People will then know what you are trying to do and support you. example: OOC Melodor to Marduuk: If I cast this spell can you play that you are a frog? OOC Marduuk to Melodor: Erm.. No. That's far too undignified for this dragon OOC Melodor to Marduuk: How about a giant fire-breathing frog? OOC Marduuk to Melodor: *eye* example: OOC Lokern to Voltage: Will it upset you if Kampfer and I pkill you as roleplay? OOC Voltage to Lokern: Don't pk this character please. I can act scared of you if you like, though. ### Voltage notices Lokern and relocates quietly example: OOC Lokern to Voltage: Will it upset you if Kampfer and I pkill you as roleplay? OOC Voltage to Lokern: No, I just died lately, nothing to lose - I'll curse you if you manage it though. OOC Lokern to Voltage: >:) OOC Voltage to Astoria: *you feel in the mood to check contracts* *whistle* ### Sadly, Voltage was killed by Lokern ### Voltage broadcasted, "I curse you, evil withering people... you'll not live long now" ### Sadly Lokern was killed by Astoria example: ### Thorn broadcsted, "who killed X? it was mine" ### Astoria wipes off her blade OOC Thorn to Astoria: That was my kill OOC Astoria to Thorn: sorry.. didn't realise - but not gonna RP being sorry, I'm an assassin OOC Thorn to Astoria: I needed the drop.. hand it over and I'll RP too scared to complain :P OOC Astoria to Thorn: Astoria is far too skilled to need x *strut* - I'll leave it on the floor for you. ### Thorn eyes the assassin warily and decides not to pursue the matter example: OOC Astoria to Thorn: I'm looking at a very weakened X here - as an assassin I should just finish him - are you okay with that? OOC Thorn to Astoria: No! I need the drop. OOC Astoria to Thorn: Hmm but... *Astoria twitches uncontrolllably* OOC Thorn sent to Astoria: *roll* okay, but overlook the drop. There are all sorts of possible scenarios here. These are just some examples. Communicate :-) We can mostly guess that our friends will co-operate with our roleplay, but for people you don't know well, especially if you are about to do something where you are hoping for a particular reaction or that may disadvantage their character - just check first. Successful evil characters are usually played by people who are civilised OOC and in this way get a reputation for being scary and evil by asking everyone to act along with it.
Other question: is there a way to see if your aura is right or do you just have to guess which aura you should be? With some chars i have difficulties finding the right aura as i don't exactly know how 'evil' or 'good' they should be. As start you have to set your alignment, but after a while i forget which number i typed and i start thinking: Should i be red or rusty or something else?
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