Sharing :)

Out of Character chats, discussions and rambles.

Sharing :)

Postby Kampfer » Sat Jul 02, 2005 4:04 pm


I want to share with you all something I think is more than funny.

A french guy started "the dungeon of Naheulbeuk" few years ago. its a dungeons and dragons adventure into a mp3 format, its a special adventure because of the charactersé a ranger (leader) which nobody listen to.. the barbare.. hack and slashing are the olny interesting thing for him... the dwarf fighter... an idiot who don't like the elf... the elf archer (a really bad archer).. brainless creature with a good sense of matching colors.. the sorceress and the ogre.. she is the interpretor for the ogre and her spells are quite useless , a thief... scared of searching and disabling traps and the bard.. enjoying everything and playing of everything they find on the road :D

the same guy is in a band who play medieval music.. so they made a song about a barbarian tribe.. but DAMN the lyrics are hot and funny :)
they also did a song about a troll and one on a new lvl 1 adventurer (hahahahahaha)

I will put the link for the mp3 so you can follow the good medieval beat and the lycis french and my translation of it in english under (notes that translation is made from me.. is could be better but its hard to find the right word sometimes :))

I think I had to share that with you to notice the effort and the humour which could be used for RP too. standard aren't always fun to play :)

The Barbarian March

Dans une hutte, on a grandit
(in a hut, we grew)
depuis tout jeune, on prend des nyons
(since we are kid, we're taking nyons(kind of food))
l'acier tranchant, c'est notre vie
(slicing steel, is our life)
et nos loisirs, c'est la baston
(and our hobbies, is the brawl)

yorlebourin était un rustre
(Yorthedonkey was a lout)
il frappait fort et trop souvent
(he struck extremely and too often)
c'est a quatre ans, avec un lustre
(that was when he was four year old, with a gloss)
qu'il avait tuer ses deux parents
(which he killed his two parents)

Trodelemassif était balaise
(Trodethemassif he was a hefty man)
il tuait les buffles à main nue
(he was killing buffaloes with naked hands)
il aimait jouer avec les elfes
(he liked to play with the elves)
en lancant des enclumes dessus
(by throwing anvils above)

C'est en marchant dans les entrailles
(It is while walking in the entrails)
que les barbares vont à l'assaut,
(that the barbarians goes to the assault)
et par le fer des haches de bataille
(and by the iron of the battleaxes)
tailler la chair et broyez les os.
(to cut the flesh and crush the bones)

Courgalehaut était immense
(Courgathetall was huge)
il cassais les arbres en toussant
(he breaks the trees while coughing)
il sautait par-deussus les granges
(he jumped over the barns)
en pietinant les gens c'était marrant
(by trample people it was funny)

kirloveloce était rapide
(kirloveloce was fast)
il doublait les fauves en courrant
(he passed the panthers while running)
il parcourrait la pleine de Cride
(he was crossing the plain of Cride)
en vingh minutes et encore y'avais du vent
(in twenty minutes and still it had wind)

C'est en marchant dans les entrailles
(It is while walking in the entrails)
que les barbares vont à l'assaut,
(that the barbarians goes to the assault)
et par le fer des haches de bataille
(and by the iron of the battleaxes)
tailler la chair et broyez les os.
(to cut the flesh and crush the bones)

Frank le berserk était un abrutti
(Frank the berserk was an idiot)
il s'énervait quand on pillais
(he was irritated while we were plundering)
il frappait aussi bien sur les amis
(he struck the friends as well)
mais c'est pas grave on lui rendait
(but it didn't matter we returned to him)

Courdo le sage savait écrire
(Courdo the wise could write)
il ne s'entrainait pas souvent
(he wasn't training often)
et biensur il s'est fait pourrir
(and eventually he was made rot)
il n'était pas très utile au clan
(he wasn't very useful for the clan)

lili était bien trop gentille
(lili was well too nice)
elle s'est fut virer du clan dix fois
(she got sack of the clan ten times)
mais comme elle fait bien la tarte aux myrtilles
(but as she makes well blueberries pie)
quand elle revient on l'engueule pas
(when she returns we don't repress her)

C'est en marchant dans les entrailles
(It is while walking in the entrails)
que les barbares vont à l'assaut,
(that the barbarians goes to the assault)
et par le fer des haches de bataille
(and by the iron of the battleaxes)
tailler la chair et broyez les os.
(to cut the flesh and crush the bones)
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