That itch to tie up loose threads keeps coming back. Moving on from the returning chars discussion I'd thought I'd post a list of all the officially retired names. This is the list we use when adding an ex player character into the database as an NPC. If you have a character which has expired and you want to make sure no one claims your name then let me know so I can add it. The only caveat is that I must have the player file still so I could craft a reasonable NPC from it.
This should generate a few memories....
- Katemma
- Dwar
- Corien
- Zen
- Vickie
- Ryoga
- Ampris
- Gadget
- Mustang
- Tario
- Chicky
- Gazebo
- Mitzie
- Skaroc
- Chelsea
- Klejentzki
- Fist
- Farside
- Evergreen
- Claws
- Pansy
- Moondancer
- Abby
- Elnor
- Gatarza
- Gambit
- Duel
- Kane
I'll also be making some small code updates with an aim to making writing new scenarios a little easier. Working with the code this way will allow me to get back in tune with the system a lot quicker.