Out of Character chats, discussions and rambles.
by Kampfer » Wed Oct 06, 2004 9:02 pm
Hi People!
I was talking with Lokern's player (the one and the only Phill!) he tells me he didn't knew how to RP a Lokern anymore.. being too long without playing him and plus he got a girl friend.. so playing a evil DK with the heart fulled of love.. well.. its hard I guess lol
So here and advice I think it could help for people who tries to get in the mood of their character.
First I guess everyone around listen to music.. music is a full part of our life since many years now.. different style of music have being done... choose a music which goes with your character... even if its not YOUR style.. the music will pass through your body and thaughs like a subliminal msg.. don't listen to britney spears if you play a DK.. nor listening death metal if you play a good cleric of Aester.
I will give some exemple of what it brings Kampfer live..
- Blind Guardian:
-----Ashes to ashes
-----Another Holy war
-----Script for My Requiem
those three song from the same group are like godly hymn for Kampfer's spirit.. the sound of glory.. the drums of hell.. and power of the voices.. everything in those song inspire the Mighty Kampfer
This topic was there for two reasons.. one is to give a chance to people who don't really know how to get in the mood of their character.. the other reason is.. what makes your character alive.. what brings you from the deep of your guts.. because I have ONE solution.. if someone can bring another I can add to Kampfer's spirit.. maybe he will become a GOD... Mmmm God Kampfer.. that sounds good.. or Evil
Let me know your thoughs about it 
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by Scorpion » Wed Oct 06, 2004 10:59 pm
Perhaps that's the difference between you and me. When you play kampfer, you feel like kampfer, you think kampfer, you speak kampfer, you blablabla kampfer. You just become kampfer, and that's why you can RP good.
I don't think i have that. When i play scorpion... well, i feel more sad how weak he is then about RP. I have no chars with the same feeling you have. Perhaps music will help.. donno. I listen to all kind of stuff (NOT SPEARS). more like Radiohead, Muse, Prodigy, Coldplay, Franz Ferdinant etc.
Perhaps that's why i lost my title. I never had the title that long or could go further with RP after getting it. Then offcourse the - award(s) i got.. that also helps losing it. I'm not sure if i'm that good rp-er. I start to make things up, like horse/slave... but i can't do that all the time.. and gets boring. Something like corruptive, it's just very very hard for me to do that. The ideas of what to say in certain situations are just too limited.
Anyway, i think the right music could help.
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by Keezheekoni » Thu Oct 07, 2004 4:41 am
Sure just tell them my life story why don't you Kampfer (JP). But yeah I am having some troubles roleplaying Lokern. He does have high piety, so he should be incredibly religious... or a zealot if you will. I did also try to give him a silent quality, where he would take in his surroundings. Ehhh I don't know what I am doing to be honest  . Anyways most of the music I have is around 30+ years old and from the one and only UK... so it isn't really angry music. I just need to get into the mindset of a fanatic religious zealot I suppose. Playing more often would probably help too. Thanks for the advice though JP.
And to those who are down on the rp, Scorpion, Sothis, others. Just relax, rp is supposed to make the game more entertaining, not more stressful to the players. Don't reach out for the awards, just act the best you can and let them come to you. Advice from someone with no title is probably not as good as advice from someone with, but the point is still made. Time for me to finish reading some new posts and hit the hay. Good night everyone, cheer up everyone. -- Phill
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by erynn » Thu Oct 07, 2004 6:49 am
RP is like acting and real actors draw on things that happens to them in real life to create depth and feeling in their character. How to play a DK when in love and happy...? You could weave it into his story: Lokern is committed to the DK guild and has always been evil, but falls in love and his outlook changes. If he falls for someone good, his loyalty to Kron is challenged - he can remain loyal and try to hide his feelings and at the same time try to protect his girl from the other evil minions; or he can realise he's on the wrong side and find himself trapped in his role as Lokern the bloodthirsty in public and unable to desert the guild. If he falls for someone equally bloodthirsty there will be less confusion for him, but still some. He might fear her ruthlessness or his own - would they destroy each other in their quest for power? Would it be a weakness not to..?
So much potential for huge internal conflicts to make him more human...  You could try getting your gf into LoS, I can only imagine the entertainment value of Lokern trying to sneak away from Kampfer to check that his girl is getting on ok. Alternatively, put aside your evil guy for days where things are not going so well and you want to take out your frustration with the world in general...
Kylan/Zen and I always say that you have to *be* the character. The trick is in translating selected attitudes and emotions of yours from real life into the imaginary world. If being in love is just too personal an experience to translate, Lokern can still have doubts about being evil, just keep up the understanding that if Lokern doesn't act evil towards others he's going to be in trouble with his guild and keep his distaste for his own actions inside his head.
best wishes to all,
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by Kampfer » Thu Oct 07, 2004 12:54 pm
YEAh!!!! bring your girlfriend to play with a bunch of psychotic people on a mediaval fantastic based-text game where everyone thinks they are someone else.. she will understand... or drop you and fix the problem
P.S.: have you get your camera developped from your trip here? I want to see some ugly pictures of us 
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by brent » Thu Oct 07, 2004 3:09 pm
you need heavy metal
P.S. id love to see your gf on los 
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by Ghandi » Thu Oct 07, 2004 3:19 pm
I pushed my gs to play, but after 30 minutes she ran away. Luckily, she understands that i like this game and she lets me play it (wow, i am so lucky  ).
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by Keezheekoni » Thu Oct 07, 2004 4:35 pm
*cackle* Thanks for the advice Erynn. As always it is down to earth and insiteful. I am not so sure about her playing los, or Lokern having an "affair", but trying to hide his lighter side does sound interesting. I will give it some thought and a few test runs. Also *eye Brent*, and nope Kampfer, it is still sitting on my kitchen counter about 3.5 hours south of here. --Phill
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by brent » Fri Oct 08, 2004 6:24 pm
Ghandi wrote:I pushed my gs to play, but after 30 minutes she ran away. Luckily, she understands that i like this game and she lets me play it (wow, i am so lucky  ).
you lucky bas****! i wish i had a gf...... but good for you ghandi
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by Scorpion » Fri Oct 08, 2004 11:42 pm
I like reading other players stories. Perhaps it will give me more ideas for RP, but anyway, i would like to share one of my favourites. Found it at another mud (sorry sorry...) but good writen.
it's the "The Snagin and Sid Saga" at Realm Of Hell page.
Have fun reading,
Ps. you guys now more good stories?
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by jagg » Sat Oct 09, 2004 9:36 am
I did enjoy reading some of the stories on that site. They're as bloodythirsty as Sothis' story-writing efforts too! I did wonder a bit about them being a bit of a spoiler, talking about traps and such. *shrug*
Some of the other stuff seemed to be a bit... boastful? Spiteful even. Like the battle logs of "I backstabbed muppet for the fourth time in a row and aren't I cool". Whatever.
The stories gave me some ideas though. I'm off to the suggestions forum immediately!
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by Ghandi » Sat Oct 09, 2004 3:00 pm
I still have to figure out how i can BE my char, instead of acting behind a char and playing with the char as a puppet. I try though, but somehow i can't fully get into it. Not evne with Ghandi, as i recently have serious RP problems (Kampfer could know)
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