By a hot warm summer night, while the stars were shining outside, if you happened to be sitting in the cathedral you could have seen Rygar talking to a group of lay followers....
Hrm, hrm
Well, as some of you may know, I had to go far away in the lands, for quite some time, having some special investigations about interesting reports on god’s signs. There I went, faced many adventures met some....
But anyway, that’s another story, it all began when I came back....
I remember when I left, Amber, Amethyst and Coral were heavily protected by the roaming knights, Jagg was still training hard to be accepted by his guild as a weapon master (though he was already for a lot of us) and Kampfer, well, he was still very young and I had the fool hope he may vanish as so many of his class did before him. Moon and Gambit had taken upon themselves to guard the werewolves area, preventing the disease to spread out free.
All seemed nice so I could go away freely, and then, I met a new Patriarch, Patriarch Jordenson installing himself in a small back chamber of the Amethyst chapel, he assured me all would be nice and to go on my searches..... what I did.
I ventured far away quite some years, in vain I’m afraid to tell. One day, I decided it was enough and that I had to go back, take a seat at the chapel and listen again to all those awesome tales one can hear there.
I came back, feeling quite old and rusted (one can be, though I still carry well my 172 springs).
Once back, I began to travel a bit again, and soon, I ended defeated in some fights. I was in deep lethargy when the first time she appeared to me, came to give me a word of hope....
*You had some really bad luck lastly, worthy dwarf* said Aester.
I still can hear the words, though they reached me only as a dream would had.
Theses words were a blessing, first sight I ever had of the gods since I began my investigation on them. It gave me the strength to keep looking for gods signs.
It didn’t took long before i saw another. Kron was seemingly pretty active, especially through his servitor, Kampfer. Despite all words from the Archbishop at the cathedral, I went venturing with the Dark Knight a bit, jumping on the occasion to try to see what Kron and his servitor might be planning.
Power, in desperate search of power the already powerful Kampfer was. For what purpose, that I cannot say, but travelling by his side I gained myself some noteworthy spells. I still remember the day I mastered the power to stun an opponent, how Meglaz the sorceress and Kampfer were looking at me. Well, it was the kind of power they were looking for, while I was more in search of gods signs and my hidden hopes in the realm of magic were that one day I might master the art of healing by healing all people with me at one time (it’s not always an easy task to watch everyone’s health at the same time in some situations, you may know).
So the more I was travelling with the dark knight and he was tempting me, as you may know, the more I was disgusted by his lack of mercy, slaughtering with pleasure some pretty young knights. Kron was gaining in power at a fearsome rhythm, as was his servitor. Meanwhile, I was asking myself where could be these heroes protecting the lands when I left... Where were Ghandi, Scorpion, Valiant to only name them...
I was seemingly left alone
Without the sight of gods I had always hoped, all the evil activity that was palpable in the lands, without signs of the champions of the past to once again face the danger, I felt quite depressed.
So then I went to the cathedral, to sit by Aester’s statue and to pray to her to remember us. Those dark days were coming pretty fast and we would need her.
I was left alone in the chamber, the holy sisters were away to their business and I was sad, pretty sad. Then suddenly, the atmosphere in the room seemed lighter, the sun was bright and i felt relieved. Aester was there, smiling warmly at me.
We had a long talk, one that gave me fear and hope at the same time. I once considered myself as a servitor of all gods, especially as i was looking for them all. But one who has met the Lady of Mercy cannot go without feeling the urge to serve her. It was not long before Kampfer noticed the activity, not used to feel the presence in the lands of such an opposite force, it might have been quite unpleasant to him. So he went to the cathedral, thinking he would meet the Lady herself, claiming he had a message from Kron... as if Kron needed a postman now. He ended facing the statue, the lady long gone, and started to insult her. I am not a dwarf of hard temper, but then, I felt my father’s blood run hard in my veins. You may know, my father was reckoned berserk warrior, so I heard.... oh, sorry, I am again away from the subject...
So, a terrible anger came through me and soon, I was calling the power of the earth once again to assail Kampfer. Well, the how is not important, but my old body ended defeated once again. Well, maybe my body, but my soul was relieved.
So there I am now, telling you this story, really, not ended yet, but you can see the developments on my current works
*Rygar smiles warmly to the lay followers*