I found out there is now small sized heavy leather armour is available for assassins. Now they also can't wear dragon scale armour, so for now im stuck with ac -6. I was wondering who of you know some stuff where i can improve Finch' armourkit. I know moonbands would do, but those are a bit out of reach. Talking about more realistic things.
His kit now:
On body: some black carapace
On arms: some shadow bracers
On legs: some leather trousers
On neck: a studded leather collar
On neck: a studded leather collar
On hands: some studded leather gloves
On head: Dalla's blessing
On feet: some hard boots
On face: a leather mask
On finger: a platinum ring
On finger: a platinum ring
On finger: a platinum ring
On finger: a gold ring
On finger: a gold ring
On finger: a platinum ring
On finger: a platinum ring
On finger: a platinum ring
Shield: a bone shield
Wielded: a diamantium axe
Holding: a blue ioun stone