Chosing between guilds, unions etc

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Chosing between guilds, unions etc

Postby Ghandi » Wed Jun 01, 2005 12:01 pm

Here a little thought on how classes can be made more versatile. Now you have the known classes such as paladins, fighters etc. All are the same and their guilds have the same goals. The only difference between ppl of the same class is their RP. Well, to increase RP, i have an idea to make choices between classes at a certain lvl.

For example a paladin. From the start he acts under control of the White Castle. All pallys do. Ghandi chose due to RP motives to leave the White Castle and start his own. I think all classes should have 2 or more guilds to chose from at, lets say, lvl 10. Barbarians can go to different tribes, with different lvl quests. Dark knights can chose for Kampfer or go with the flow and walk the stairs the begins at Kron's statue.

Hope you like it!
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Postby Kampfer » Thu Jun 02, 2005 1:58 pm

actually yes I agree and like this idea.. (on my scrapbook for my own mud I have that kind of system.. I will let you know on mirc :wink: ) whatever.. this idea is (or will) be possible in short term without too much change to the main storyline and code... I think everything is in our hands Ghandi... more RP we do more title we can claim (skilful) once we have a couple of them they could start to be a "part of the game" clan.. augmenting our place (your keep.. my crypt..) for training purpose.

but again DMs won't let that happen if our RP is not regular *looking around with suspicious eyes*

I still believe everything can be possible on LoS due to the fact its still in construction.. the engine is not finish.. the storyline is far from the end.. the flow of new players just balance since years.. we lose people.. we gain people... LoS is the promise land (hahahahahhaha)
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