Are we there already?! :)

Out of Character chats, discussions and rambles.

Are we there already?! :)

Postby Googe » Sun Jan 09, 2011 6:34 pm

Hmmm, it took me a while to notice it but we are close to Flint 2.0!?

Release 1.9.8 is a maintenance update and does not modify any game

Not many updates until the so awaited version ;)
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Postby Shihan » Mon Jan 10, 2011 1:58 pm


I follow the versioning system roughly as promoted through libtool. Release.Version.Fix (there is a hidden -SubversionCommit for my own benefit). Means I can get to 1.99999.99999 before I might start to feel a smidgeon of guilt for not reaching 2.0.0.

Having said that I actually have an empty server framework which was intended to be a genuine 2.0.0, no game code whatsoever but improved and cleaner network/account stuff. Porting everything across to that would take a long long time and you'd see no benefits until it was all ready.

I am in the middle of a code update ( well further than the middle ) and although progress is not fast, I am able to maintain that progression which is pleasing. Once done I will be able to tune the database better and create new content more easily.
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