Colored lines

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Colored lines

Postby Scorpion » Wed Jul 14, 2004 11:14 pm

For most actions made by a player or creature you can see them in coloured lines. When something hits you, you see it in red, when they miss, it's green. (don't like the purple lines :P). During combats you see a lot of lines coming by, and i'm not talking about the please wait x more secs.

During all those actions some events are also non-coloured, like breaking your weapon, or even worse the breath of an creature. Sometimes you don't notice them and this could lead to bad situations, like the purple lines. I'm suggesting that all events should have a colour, red green or another colour.
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Postby Kaedan » Wed Jul 14, 2004 11:32 pm

We're slowly rewriting all the functions. Whenever I get my hands on a function I try to be consistant with everything, from stats to colours which appear on the screen.

You can rest assured that as I work through them all you will see more of red for bad, green for good, purple for spam gods...

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Postby Ghandi » Fri Jul 16, 2004 3:04 am

Same colour as that the line that Anubis got hit (yellow) was the reason i died. Since the lines that i got hit were yellow as well and went by fast, i did not noticed i was getting injured as well, leading to a painful dead. I think enviromental damage is very important to be noticed.
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Location: Lionhearts Keep

Postby Kampfer » Fri Jul 16, 2004 9:13 pm

oh.. and myabe close the command by the color code (or i'm not sure how it working in flint) because sometimes you got a color line and the next one is the same color (which isn't usually).. I don't have an exemple on the hand.. so I hope you understand
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