Clan PKill

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Clan PKill

Postby Scorpion » Sun Feb 08, 2004 10:03 pm

In a fight player vs player (both clanned) the loser looses some xp, % and his weapon.

I don't understand why he should loose his weapon. it's very annoying, cause if you don't want to die, you'll use a good weapon for killing the other.

Could someone explain it and perhaps remove it.
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Joined: Thu Jan 22, 2004 6:12 pm

Postby Kampfer » Sun Feb 08, 2004 10:05 pm

I agree, lost enough with exp and %.. and the winner gain enough exp, so no need the drop weapon thing.
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Postby erynn » Mon Feb 09, 2004 7:09 am

It used to be that you dropped everything you were wearing.
As it is, it seems to give those who don't use weapons an unfaiir advantage, so what about if you got a random item from their inventory as a trophy, like when you pkill an outlaw?

Personally I detest pkill. I really wish that LoS had a lawful option. Yes it's artificial, but no more than what is there already (can't kill some perms eg immigration officer) and I don't like that some jerk can pkill my high level character and make me lose hard earned percents (can be a lot if you don't die normally). If someone decided to pkill you, you had no warning, or chance not to participate, perhaps they got you whilst you were afk, it seems very unfair to make you lose stuff cos they are an idiot.

The bounty hunters do deter some but they don't stop it, and they mean that if you defend yourself you can lose even more. If your attacker does get outlawed it's not much compensation to see them killed, it doesn't fix what they did to you. I'm sure there must be a more satisfactory solution.
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Postby Valiant » Mon Feb 09, 2004 6:26 pm

Like no longer losing those hard earned %s...

Can get pretty annoying to be unable to defend myself against anything but dk's. Only words, that's all I can give, otherwise I'll be smashed by the game rules...
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