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Hanging up my hat (in a good way)

PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 10:03 pm
by Keezheekoni
As I entered the new room that I had just recently leased from the good Dwar I couldn't help but grinning. All of the random trinkets that I had been carrying with me throughout my stay in these lands dropped to the floor as I began to organize various trunks with these treasures. Upon completion I removed the last item from my inventory that was marked to go. It was my weathered and patched old top hat that I had worn since I was but an apprentice. I recall thinking that it would be a sort of comical substitute for the wizard hat that other mages might wear. When I was younger I would grin and tip my hat curtously at passers by much to their amusement. Eventually I got so used to wearing this hat that I held onto it until I finally collected enough money to purchase this room. With delicate care I moved my hat over to the bedside table and reflected on what it had seen. It had caught fire once when I was spinning it in my hand and had to quickly cast a fireball at encroaching spiders. It had gotten soaked many a time when I decided to keep it on despite swimming deep underwater. It had seen the terrible damage that some of the dangerous I fought could deal. For now my battered top hat is going into retirement as I collect a new suit of armour to protect myself. It will feel strange wearing armour after many years of my cloth garb and top hat, but I look forward to a little protection from all of these foes that pack quite a punch. Good bye top hat... perhaps I will wear you again in retirement. A side note, I will be completing a story about my past soon for those who wish to read it.