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Beginner quests/tasks

PostPosted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 10:38 pm
by Kampfer
I just restarted a character and forgot how weak we are and how hard it is to make money. 100gp for a healing spell is a lot for someone who tries to not kill anyone, and rats do not drop coins, so my suggestion is to make a npc giving you the task to kill them and rewards you with some coins.

I might fall into current MMO style but recycling items, I don't know, maybe 100, could give some experience just for the fact that you are doing a good deed by recycling (could be a low level deed/quest only).

PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 4:12 pm
by Shihan
healing potions are not the only option, some of the veggies also offer some minor healing but you don't stay level one for long (same really for two three or four).

I ran a test myself of a new char recently and its amazing just how much you forget, where to go, what to kill, drops to find and chars which heal you. I do miss the days where you'd get free vigs in the chapel simply because you walked in hurt.

Recycling items gets its own rewards (5 coins each) but I do agree that there are not enough low level activities, I do have new low level quests in the pipeline including titles for beginner chars to go for.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 12:20 am
by Kampfer
Shihan wrote:healing potions

I was more thinking of the Healing Primer at sell in the Chapel, 100gp is hard to get when you try to not kill anyone, rats don't drop money nor items to recycle, and their corpse don't worth a penny.

Shihan wrote:I ran a test myself of a new char recently and its amazing just how much you forget, where to go, what to kill, drops to find and chars which heal you. I do miss the days where you'd get free vigs in the chapel simply because you walked in hurt.

Yeah, where are those healings now? And you want me to remember the days where Kampfer was weak? HAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA

PostPosted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 5:26 pm
by Shadowchaser
HHmmmmm Kampfer were have you been!?!?!? Have you resurrected yourself or is this a new char in the offing??

PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 9:23 pm
by Kampfer
Yep, Still alive but more insane.

Life has a bad taste for joking me around. Where to go went everything is crumbling around? Let escape into the realm of fantasy, imagine a ogre here, a dragon there, a god on the otherside of the hill, anywhere (including the realm of fire or the depths of a submerge cave network) is a better place to be.


PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 7:56 pm
by Sothis
Once people healed you in the chapel and now ol' Jedd has some sort of magical barrier that hurts evil doers! So a lvl 1 evil player has to go somewhere other than amethyst to train. I guess in all my blabbering what im trying to suggest is maybe a little healing place in amethyst only for evil players?