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Stories for "Erynn's Book"

PostPosted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 6:32 am
by erynn
Don't be shy to tell your tales...

1) If you want to send me a file please send plain text, Microsoft word documents are much harder for me to read in linux.
2) If you are writing a story, please do not write as though you are an all-seeing, all-knowing God. By this, I mean that your story should be told by a character within the game, or at a stretch an imgainary eye-witness (who cannot read people's thoughts).
3) Outline details are entirely acceptable and often easier to write up.
4) I'm happy to meet people online and interview them for their story. Just email me and let me know roughly what times you are on.
5) I can't spare time to play or update often but once I get 2 contributions or more, I try to make an update.
6) Don't get too graphic when describing darker or potentially traumatc "events", I don't want to disturb any readers.

Re: Stories for "Erynn's Book"

PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 5:09 am
by Kampfer
erynn wrote:6) Don't get too graphic when describing darker or potentially traumatc "events", I don't want to disturb any readers.

HAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH why? they really should know about how dark are dark people like me and Meglaz :)