I feel sorry i'd never gave you any feedback about the player guide and therefore i will write it here. I recently found out that the player guide was updated and after reading it, i think it is very clearly for new players (experienced mudplayers and really new ones) what this game has to offer what class and race are suitable for you. And since LoS holds high value on roleplaying you would think this would be included in this guide. And yes, of course this included and gives a new player a fairly good base to start roleplaying (i surely gave me inspiration
). Now with the new changes a little while ago i didn't knew the right order of the new aura system. As i looked through your guide i noticed you've written down the right rank of auras. It even showed me more than i thought there were.
I frequently look at the story chapter to see if new entries were added. I really enjoy reading those entries. I used to send entries as well, but due to real life situations (internship and other work), i don't have much time to play and therefore not enough time to experience something worthy to tell about (max time i usually play is 30 minutes if im lucky
). You know my opinion about the story chapter and i really appreciate the effort you've put in it. It showed me and others that LoS is not only about gaining xp and raising proficienses. Chars come to live about being somebody else then the one behind the keyboard. As you know, i like making those stories as i hope that others liked them as well and i will surely make new ones as soon as i have more time to play (around 23 april).
I feel sorry i didn't gave feedback, but now you know what i think about your efforts to make LoS come to live a bit more.