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Only so much i can take...

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 11:49 pm
by Erill
Today, another sad day for Erill, i died and delvled back to 16 again. Thats either the 4th or 5th time so far....Having suffered the same thing at lvl 15 when i died over 5 times i was extremely close to suiciding Erill today. So i decided to post this and find out why some of yous might think i keep dying...

If i missed any out that you feel should be there, just post them in, and dont expect to see Erill around for a while...

PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 12:08 am
by Scorpion
life sucks

PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 12:49 am
by Ghandi
Sounds like Ghandi when he died for x-amounth time.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 8:04 am
by jagg
Sorry Erill, you must have been very, very bad in a previous life.

Erill was Vlad the Impaler!

PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 8:31 am
by jagg
(actually my previous post was a bit flippant when you might be feeling quite pissed off at the moment. Think of the things you've discovered recently, like the mighty Sevenclaws. I also know that you're nibbling at the edges of some other discoveries, it woud be a shame to suicide Erill because you'll miss out on solving those puzzles)

PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 4:04 pm
by Kampfer
yeah.. don't suicide or you will never be able to fight the mighty Kampfer with your new level 17 (when you will relevel again.. don't worry it happens to ALMOST everyone.. I think only Erynn and Kylan are immune to death) :D

PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 6:09 pm
by erynn
*remembers the Morlock and too little caution and shudders*
Not immune here...
Keep going Erill, just stop thinking about levels and play to enjoy (yes, I know that is easier said than done). Enjoying your stories anyway...

PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 7:35 pm
by Zen
I'm not immune either, it's just an illusion :D

Though I've not died all too spectacularly with Kylan, I have faced the depressing view of Limbo with him a few times, and come very close a large number more. I could tell you how I very very nearly died one day when I got my farmers mixed up and thought avalanching Rancher Plover and his ranch foremen was a good idea! I'm pretty sure I would have probably died if not for someone healing and singing at me :? "sure I can do it, I do it solo all the time" "really??".. Oh yes, that was a close one!!

I could also tell you a story about how I lost level 20 pre-wipe with my good ol' monk. That was all my own fault.. up-arrowed twice instead of once in my panicked state of spamming flee and accidently cast something... going from "you failed to flee" to "please wait 5 seconds" is always so much fun! :shock:

Like everybody else I also have tales of lag-induced doom too (*hugs lagflee close*).

We all have our moments, so long as we learn something from them they're never as bad as they seem though. I'm with Erynn on this one, ignore the numbers and play for fun. RP your heart out, have fun and let the exp and levels take care of themselves. :)

PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2005 10:06 am
by Qoith
I was so sad for you when I read your post yesterday ... but just couldn't think of the right things to say here ... and now I have read the posts (especially from Zen, Erynn and Jagg) and they sorta sum up what I wanted to say ...

You are a great player - so true to your class and a good Rper to boot. Death (and especially deleveling) sucks ... no one can dispute that .... but

LOS is so much more than experience and leveling ... that is why I am still playing here ... we all go through periods of "depression" but our friends on LOS pull us through (*hugs to you, Ruan and Kaedan).

Why dont you throw Erill's armour in his truck, don that nice blue coat, silk shirt and trousers ... and let him wander around town for a while ... I'm sure he will quickly find his friends will be overjoyed to see him back ... Dwar may even serve drinks on the house ... and then after a while, I suspect the tide of evil growing in LOS will tug at Erill's heartstrings and he will be running to his room pulling his armour from his trunk ...

PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2005 12:50 am
by magai
i was honoured to group with erill today
his title of proficient is well deserved
he needs to group, so insist he does

i too frequently visit the wastes of limbo
its never good.
i tend to relog a lowbie and run round getting killed
by strange new monsters

so take heart Erill and NEVER EVER sui

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2005 2:02 pm
by Kampfer
woah... level 17 and proficient.. my god.. congrats 10 times Erill .. you are really doing good.. don't stop there.. you may be a great foe to fight when I'll be back :twisted:

and as Qoith said.. take some rest.. do something you don't do usually.. like being a simple commoner and take a deep breath and enjoy and life into the cities (before I raze everything to the ground :twisted: )

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2005 3:50 pm
by Ryaku
I was reading the board after a long time break. Because Marc (Erill) told me about this topic (btw it was my Conspiricy Theory) and i thought about what i done when he told me this story...I had a right good laugh :twisted: although it would be a shame. I should have felt worse as i recently lost my Char steejo because i was taking a break and forgot to log in now and then :x so i just wanna say sorry mate and keep LOSsing coz your so f***ing good at it. :lol: