Possible Recurring Problem?

It seems that Lands of Stone is down again. About this time last year I (or my sister using my account, rather) posted about having a javelin break (from regular use) and shatter at the same moment, then she got an item that was just called "?". Shortly after, the game crashed and her character was deleted. Just a few days ago she noticed she had a "?" item again, and she thinks it happened the same way as the last one, so she logged off as quickly as possible, and the game hasn't worked ever since.
We're really hoping that her character (a ranger named Ilista) isn't gone again, because she just got back up to about the level she was when it first got deleted. Let me know if there's anything you can do!
It seems that Lands of Stone is down again. About this time last year I (or my sister using my account, rather) posted about having a javelin break (from regular use) and shatter at the same moment, then she got an item that was just called "?". Shortly after, the game crashed and her character was deleted. Just a few days ago she noticed she had a "?" item again, and she thinks it happened the same way as the last one, so she logged off as quickly as possible, and the game hasn't worked ever since.
We're really hoping that her character (a ranger named Ilista) isn't gone again, because she just got back up to about the level she was when it first got deleted. Let me know if there's anything you can do!