Oh well, long story.. lets start.
First maybe at the same time as LOS creation (or maybe few months later) I've heard about MUD game.. dungeons in text mode, i said WOW (cuz I am a dungeons and dragons player (a freak one, i live for dungeons)) so I search through Yahoo for some MUD and I just felt in zuggsoft.com and I downloaded the program ZMud (which I finally stopped hacking it and bought it last year
). So after downloading it, I just get the first MUD in the list and was too complex and I was more interested in 3D games like diablo (still remember, wow that was revolutionnary that game... but its an other long story), then I just uninstall ZMud and installed Diablo. One year later (maybe two) I checked a old backup cd with ZMud on it and i was bored of diablo.. so I give a try and it goes like that... I just entered in ZMud mudlist, and I was looking for a name which givin me the feeling "I want to be there, I want to live on that MUD, I must be in that family!". Then I listed 3-4 names with that feeling and the winner was... LOS!
I just logged on and I was like "how the hell its working?!?!?" Like every newbie, a good Help command learn me alot. I wandered in Amethist for the first week, trying to understand how worked the map maker of ZMud, to make my little mind remember things. In this week I met few people who gaves me some cheap weapons and armors (better than nothing
). After few weeks I was overconfidant, so I just met the famous "Pothole", asking advice from broadcast and each time that kind of situation happens, Mustang(Rock) and Chelsea(Ryzek) were the saviors (I think its them now).
After few months of playing I was going to the White Castle when Newbie(banned player now) just strike me for nothing, and get all my stuff (old engine, the point was simple... if you die, your stock is now to the killer, so, if u had good stuff you are now more nude as a worm can be) so I just said "goodbye", closed ZMud.. uninstall.. and reinstall Diablo. 1-2 years later I restart a Paladin (turn to DK) known as Elnor the Suicidal
For the "what made you play" was like previous, and as a Dark Knight (Elnor), I've started a war vs Valiant... which was transform to "vs Valiant, Ghandi and Scorpion"
, meanwhile, i met Antitheus, another great Dark Knight, with who I grow strong and team alot. The RP with all them was so great, around same levels, helping each other (teammate), chasing others plus the storyline, short but structured, well alot of fun.
"What made you stay", well I quit LOS often, not proud of it cuz everytime I was pretty angry on engine, each time I quit DMs fix something else, and I know it from Ghandi, Scorpion, Blaze (god bless him
) and some other, so I coming back. I stay too because I have a dream I want to realize in, but with all my suicides, for many reason like, bad mood (I'm a depress person), job stress (could be entered in bad mood), bad stats (cuz i'm alone often, need to be more than efficient, so I finally got those perfect stats, but losing 4 levels in a row in 2 days make me sick and I just asked to be removed from possible name, so I had to make something new
, and else. All those suicides just make me a low level forever, each time losing my RP Exp, my money, my items and more, then I never saw my dream come true.
"like and dislike" oh well too many things, like all others, don't think I hate LOS, I like to be there, I feel like home (cuz even at home I hate when bad stuff happen, like washing dishes, changing cat litter, and stuff). First thing is... Everything in that MUD is against DK... was trying to play the most Evil thing in that land (after vampire, morlock, and werewolves) and I can't even attack a bandit for his money without my aura is affected by that actions. in game:"I must talk to Kron and and ask him why he want things that way?".
The "like" part is just like everyone else, that place is too awesome, not too much people, DMs are mature so no kiddy stuff like "ok everybody, heres free money or free weapons for all of you and don,t move I will cast all my blessing spells on you every time you want it" (sometimes its fun to be protected from poison/magic/... like the one before the great move to another server last year
The titles we can have with enough RP and level is a nice reward for playing. The tourney was really cool, but its beginning to be bored, not because the system, nor the rules, but because always the same who wins and this player just don't play anymore, he shows up for the tourney and gain the prize and just come back a month later for the tourney, so we fight for nothing, not even to help a player to gain extra good stuff.
"Play less lately" nah, since the last update, relevel just cost less and its a good point (that will definitly keep me online and ALIVE, believe it or not
). Plus this time, I will rock this place, the new evil revolution will come soon!
P.S.: like Ghandi
Another thing I 'dislike' are my own English capabilities. Because I'm limited in that,
I could try to find a French MUD but french just erritate me and I'm trying to perfecting my own english... without any success
enough talk... sorry I have to LOS now