erynn wrote: I've a PhD in maths and get paid to do algebra
Neat, a doctor in the house
My brother is going for the same thing I believe
Kampfer wrote: Canada (that stupid f*cking country with alot of idiot peoples.)
I think you mean the US there
I started playing los around the same time as Scorp and Ghandi, 2 years ago.
Ok about me. I just turned 18 and my life is about to start I suppose. I am going to college at the University of Vermont next year to study history and perhaps political science. I have a crazy dream that I could perhaps change this world (in all the ways a hippy would, no poverty, no war) so I think I will give it a try. First I need knowledge, hence the study of history. Currently I live in a small town in the state of Massachussetts in the United States. It is quite peaceful here with a nice view. It is a nice little town though were everyone is likeminded (a hippy). For a social life I enjoy pretty much any sport, soccer, football, basketball, tennis, croquet, biking. I was just starting, with the help of friends, the "Kite Flying Society" where we play croquet after school and fly kites. That is good fun, especially when we make posters that advertise it in the school I go to (Mohawk Trail) that insult the other school run sports.